This is one of the most practical session. It gives me with a structure upon which to build the course. I appreciate the comparison where designing a syllabus is like sketching a tree.
Or even a triangle
We first have to choose of our approaches:
| Backward | Central | Forward |
Starting point | Expected Outcomes | Essential Skills | Current Status |
Then | Topics | Activities | Textbook |
Next | Assessment | Practices | Assessment |
After choosing the approach, we will design our syllabus like an R&D department where we state learning outcomes, set our the learning activities, and assessment.
First, learning outcomes can be based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.
Second, we will design learning activities according to our learning outcomes.
And then, we set out the assessment activities.
I believe this is a wonderful resource for instructors who struggle to create new course syllabus. As a junior teacher, I will not generate new course syllabus. However, this might be a useful basis for creating lesson plans.