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|Stumbling with words| Recommendation N.05

Hello again!

I'm back with another set of recommendations. In the past weeks, I discovered some interesting Vietnamese podcasts and readings that I'm delighted to share with you.

1. Podcasts

Vietnamese podcast starts to gain its popularity. In the previous posts, I already mentioned Oddly Normal and Unlock FM as two of my new found love. Here are two more lovable background noise for your morning walks.

  • Bốn chấm không: This podcast brought to you by two Yale alumni who work in Silicon Valley. My personal favorite was Episode No. 1 where Lien, the guest, share her stories in the 4.0 era. One big lesson I took away was the urgency to learn dealing with data. I was so motivated that I registered Udemy courses. In the next posts, I will update you with my learning progress :)

  • Chuyện Khởi nghiệp This is a nice discovery reminding me of my start-up days. My personal favorite was on Son Dao and his mistakes with the very first transformation gym in Hanoi - Swequity gym. After all, we should answer Why before working on How.

2. Movie

I finished a rigorous movie marathon on teachings last week and share my thoughts here. Other than that, I would like to share a documentary with you.

3. Readings

- Con nhà giầu và con nhà nghèo khác nhau ở điểm nào? Phân tích từ góc độ giáo dục: is a brief writing on how students from richer background earn their privileges in life. I like the first part of the writings where the author explained why. The second part, however, is not convincing since it derived from subjective opinions of the author. Nevertheless, it is the good read for students to understand the (limited) attribution of education to one's success. - Kinh tế học vô hại is a great translated version of Harmless Economics in Github on casual inference. After the data class from Udemy, i will continue my conquest of knowledge with this website. Have a look if you fancy to learn new research techniques in economics.

And finally, I played this song thousand times this week. Hope you like it too!

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